Monday, February 16, 2009

love at Hogan's Goat

We are SUCH freakin' tree huggers, truly believing that if you spew hate and negativity into the world with thoughts, words, and deeds ~ that is not a good thing, no bueno. BUT if you bring forth love and peace in thoughts, words, and deeds ~ that helps so much to promote those concepts world-wide.
I had a big fat dose of spread-the-love on sunday morning - and it was up at the li'l convenience store/gas station up U.S. 1 here a ways when i was buying some Sky Dancer ciggies (smoking is bad kids, just sayin'). The girl cashier told me i was her first customer of the day, didn't i feel all special - and i was like "hell yeah i'm WAY special and so are you - it's gona be a mahvelous day." to which she commented on i always seemed like i was in such a good mood when i stopped in there (every couple weeks) and i said there's no point in being all negative and grumpy, best to be happy, try to be positive. She was agreeing, right on - and i told her when i die i'm gona go someplace happy and balanced, and all those grumpy negative horrible people, when they die, they're gona go be with George Bush - hahahahah she cracked up laughing and said "aww that is so funny, i love you." so i told her i loved her back and that if we keep it up, to everybody we meet, passing on love and good shit, it'll help the world, and she was all agreeing with me.
Now it seems like most of the world is filled with greedy horrible ass holes that don't care and all they give a shit about is getting more shit, being famous, some kinda ego-driven insanity ~ but every now and then ya run across someone like the girl at the store - and i smiled all the way home after that - it was like a mini-run in with Yoko Ono - but we were emitting good vibes, love energy, not all negative and bad and complaining and ick. so i felt good and hopefully it helped out the energy vibes multi-verse-wide.
p.s. and btw - my brother used to say in reference to somebody who'd a bit too much to drink "he was drunker'n Hogan's Goat" - SO ... this li'l store i referenced up there i believe is called Hogan's - it is across from the Frontenac Flea Market (right next to the luscious coal-burning polluting power plant in Frontenac Florida right on U.S. 1, they rent U-Haul's, too if ya ever wana go to a good zippy in central florida - and so i always call the li'l store Hogan's Goat - there, now ya know.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I love being home - I like going places sometimes, if it's a worthy place to go, some place that is cool or educational. I LOVE to play outside, to walk out in the woods and bond with Earth Mother. But I love being home.
That's why TN is gona be so cool, if i go outside - it's real live wild 'n' wooly nature. Not like here in cocoa - so asphalty. so trafficy. so crackheady. lots 'n' lots of human-made, synthetic crap. The kid thinks it's awesome nature outdoors when he goes and plays in the saw grass weed lot between our house and the highway - he climbs up the hong kong orchid tree and thinks that he is king of the world up there ~ just WAIT 'til he gets up north and goes outside and his yard isn't just 25 ft of weed-grass in any direction - and the lake is only a hop, skip, and a jump to the east - he'll be in all his boy glory to be able to root around on the shore of the lake in all the rocks. I've been telling him there are dangerous critters up there he has to learn to pay attention for and given them a LOT of space, like rattle snakes ~ but he's in more danger when he's riding his bike up and down the st here with crack heads flopping around - even worse, driving around ~ that's a big ol' horrifying mess. Poor kid, he got into a buncha bull ants at school on Thurs., and I told him the spirits maybe were teaching him he needed to learn to pay closer attention to creatures in the outdoors for when he gets to TN and has to learn to look out for things like rattlers.
I don't like going to the mall. I HATE Wal-Mart, like Kelloggs products, i've boycotted Wal-Mart - just seems like the perfect place for the sleeping sheep to congregate and purchase their identical chinese-made toxic weird things. We never go to clubs or bars, although i don't think i'd be THAT adverse to going and having a drink sometime if good enough people were to go with me. i can't stand the thought of going to a restaurant to eat - i'm so weird about what food i eat anymore - all that crazy genetically modified food-like products is WAY creepy and i do NOT want to ingest any of that shit.
oh i gotta quit writing this crazy crap now ~ i love ya and i'm surely truly glad i'm home with my sweet fam - i love my fam, these are the best people in the world.

Friday, February 13, 2009


I love how weird modern predominant society is ~ they try to act all enlightened and broad-minded, but really are still madly superstitous ... although most people go about their daily lives (I guess) with no change in behavior on friday the 13ths ~ but still it is considered bad luck.
So in my ever-so-vescent way, because it is commonly portrayed as bad luck, I make friday the 13ths be considered good luck in our world. I love black cats to cross our paths. I try to avoid breaking mirrors, glass, ceramic, etc., but just on general principal because shards of sharp objects can be dangerous - same with walking under a ladder ~ be careful when you walk underneath anything, watch yer head.
so let's see, what else should i bitch about ~ i woke up in the same weird world, back-ass-wards, and not balanced with nature ~ but i'm used to that, figure there's not much use in fighting that in this lifetime - this time of greed and envy is not gona just disappear over night, and I'm used to thinking for myself, not following the crowd, not believing all the bullshit propaganda that is spewed out 24/7 now on cable tv ~ just trying to keep my little corner of reality as close to balance with nature as I can get it with my limited resources ~ mostly rich people have resources to utilize alternative fuel sources, like solar power or hydrogen run vehicles ... but we have all good plans of going that way as our life progresses - hopefully in 5 yrs we'll be a lot closer to living more balanced life with our precious Maka Ina (lakota for Mother Earth thank you). Unless of course all hell breaks loose in 2012 and it really is the end of the earth - although everybody thought it was gona be the end in 2000 and here i sit in 2009 ~ i'm not planning on ending it all in 2012 - for some poor humans in say IRAQ or PAKISTAN or GAZA, they were blown away in human greed driven war yesterday (or the day before or the day before) and for them - it was armageddon, the end of the world.
Well my old child is doing well and has no immediate drama. the young child has a moronic, needs-to-retire demeaning teacher for his gifted class, and i'm contemplating taking him out of that stupid shit - i think i'll give her like one more chance b4 i have to break bad and regardless of how much less money the school gets for the boy being classified as a regular student as opposed to a gifted student - that's just the consequence they're gona have to deal with for letting a born-fool idiot who talks down to my kid and doesn't give him any good educatin' lead the class. I hate modern public school - every day after school i have to de-program him from their ridiculous bullshit.
For instance, in florida now the powers that be have decreed that cursive writing will no longer be taught - everybody is using computers now-a-days, so why bother teaching them to write cursive ? oh my gods ... puuhhLEEZ ... but along that stream of thought, they're not teaching them to type ... it's stupid. I've printed out pages of "how to learn to write cursive" from the computer, and dang it man, i'll teach it to him myself here at home.
i'm trying to prompt the boy, that when we get moved up to TN here in the next 6 months, and get his computer set up - he needs to learn how to research and find a way to accomplish his education on line - and then he will not have to attend a classroom. Maybe TN public school is not as STUPID as FL public school.
This particular school jake goes to, they promote individualization in each kid, but institute a uniform policy - how contradictory is that ? They say that poor kids would get pissy when kids just wore whatever they wanted, and would tear up kids with nice clothes (I never saw anything like that, if it happened, it was rare) - and rather than take the bad kid aside and tell them not to touch other people's stuff, and if they didn't like that they wore crappy clothes cuz their parents didn't supply them better, they needed to attend to their education, grow up, get a good job, and buy whatever apparel they desired. Also it should be taught that it doesn't really matter about the outside - people should be judged by the content of their character - but NOOOOO .... not this dumb ass school, they make all the kids wear uniforms - buncha little nazis or robots, conforming to some kinda weird ideology - i make my kid wear the uniform, but i tell him it's stupid and when he gets big and grown - he needs not worry what other people think of him, and he does not have to dress like all the magazines and tv shows say is popular - so long as he is clean and comfortable, that is what matters.
i'd love to go up to the principal and tell her because i don't like her stupid pants suit she and all the rest of the grownups should dress like me in loose sun dresses, jeans and t-shirts, etc. i bet that'd go over like a fart in church -
yeah well blahblahblah - i'm gona go have a glorious friday the 13th, and i don't care what anybody thinks of me (besides my own people) - if they don't like it, they don't have to look at it ~ i stay home and mind my own biz - they need to learn to mind their own fucking business.
and that is my bitch for friday - with peace and love of course i write this

Monday, February 9, 2009

outta the mouths and brains of babes


I always thought it was pretty weird the way humans , especially the freaky weird uptight ones, were always so disgustled by poop and sex. I have since learned that the real right-wing maniacs have all manner of rules against poop and sex - anything below the waist is STRICTLY disgusting and should not be spoken of and especially not enjoyed (in the case of sex). As I got older, especially after I had kids, but even growing up cuz i at times would have to wipe my poor disabled dad's poopy butt, I learned that even though the smell of poo is not lucious like coffee first thing in the morning with hot cinnamon buns in the oven - it still is only poo and not that big a deal.

Well I digress haha - when we first moved to where we are now the waste water treatment facility for our town is right across the street and up about a block and when the wind is out of the south and west you can get a snoot full of the most stinky sewer smell - yes we live in the ghetto. Well my son was very little when we moved here, only 2, and the first time he smelled that amazingness that is a city sewer treatment facility he was like "what is that SMELL?" so I told him it was the shit plant from across the street - the look of horror on that little boy's face was indescribable and he could barely utter in response ... "the SHIT PLANT?" man it cracks me up to this day - cuz i knew he didn't understand - he was a smarty for 2 yrs old and he surely knew what plants were - the green things growing out of the ground - and i could just see him thinking of a huge plant with shit hanging all over it - he looked quite amazed and astonished at the thought of an actual shit plant ~

well i explained to him that a plant is also a place where things can be made like a factory and the shit plant is just ghetto term for wastewater treatment facility ... and he was better about it all - anywayz - the above pix reminded me of my boy as a toddler and his shit plant - i was scooping my faithful hounds organic deposit out of the yard and slung it over to where we don't walk and it landed on the crepe myrtle - whose leaves are all dead right now cuz it's winter - so there hangs that turd - the perfect picture of a shit plant hahahah

and on that stinky note - i'll leave for now - stay tuned ... i'm supposed next post i should deal with my parenting skills and the allowance of boys to cuss like sailors or like their fucking mommy hee hee peace love truth achs have great gargantuan fantastic funny fun


I think all the emphasis on economyEconomyECONOMY in our world today is a sad statement of our civilizations full-on GREED - if our society was balanced and real, not all ego-driven and wrong, our top concern would be our precious environment, which has been trashed ruthlessly over the past 8+ years. It's not like we can destroy this earth like a 3 yr olds bedroom, and then just trot on over to the other earth and start all over again - nope. What the humans are doing is demolishing the only environment we know of that will sustain our life - and we could care fucking less, keep ruining our atmosphere, water, etc., and worry about the economy. Well when the earth Mother and sky Father take back their own - and billions of people are wiped off the face of this planet - i pro'ly won't be around to say "I told you so," but you watch it happen. Man thinks he is all mighty, all knowing, the main organism on this planet - but Mother Earth is badder and stronger and is gona whip some human ass to get her balance back.
Now even though the economy really is a very ego-driven, unevolved subject - it's simply amazing how the greedy-ass republicans are flopping around crying about all the democrats wana do is SPEND SPEND SPEND cuz Prez Obama wants to get this stupid stimulus shit going on - make some jobs for regular people, kick in some incentives for green companies, etc., and because it's not directed towards banks, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, oil companies, et al, the republicans are having a fucking fit - if the big biz was the target of this stimulus money like it was for the past 8 yrs under Satan George Bush, then the republicans would be knocking each other down like whitetrash at Wal-Mart the day after Thanksgiving to sign the bitch. They had no problem signing for the several gazillion dollar stimulus a few months ago under our last ass-hole president George Bush when the money was going to the banks - but now that there are regulations, over-sight, and money going to things like infrastructure, unemployment compensation extensions, for real small business and regular 40-hr a week working people the greedy ass hypocrite republicans are crying like a bunch of fucking pussies - man i'd love to beat their collective asses -
but THAT is being like them, so i'll just keep thinking and hoping for peace on earth, and concentrating on TRUTH - and I know earthMother, karma, father time, ultimate creator, whatever is really in charge in power in the spiritual realm will kick their collective, horrible, close-minded, totally ridiculous, selfish, greedy asses. Being all worried about the economy economy economy is like somebody having a full-blown myocardial infarction and worrying about getting a boob job -
well i have faith that the Ultimate Creator knew what it was doing when it made everything, and knew of the potential of humans turning into complete moronic idiot ass holes - so balance will swing back in favor of truth and nature regardless of how devastating humans are to the environment - and i'll be glad for it, even if it does snuff out my li'l life in the process - i don't care - i'm planning on having fun and truly being balanced with nature when i'm dead. and all those republicans? i'm just really really glad i'm not one of THEM - cuz whatever happy yeay balanced spiritual world i'm gona go into (unless there's nothing, then i'll just be nothing) - if there is something when we're dead - all those horrible greedy assholes are not gona be happy with where they go. ha ha on them.
peace love truth - TRUTH will still be in the end - achs
stay tuned for the next post about the 3 yr old boy and the shit plant hahahahahah - city water processing.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Well it's a lazy sunday and we didn't do anything spectacular - besides the man made the boy a seat to sit in up in the tree here in da 'hood ... the boy may have to stick to our yard cuz out in the street he has to dodge drunks, white trash idiot children, and crack heads ~ but he can climb up in the hong kong orchid tree, and pretend pretend pretend all manner of happy boy stuff - i even climbed up there and tied a basket to a string so he can haul books and snacks up there - there's not a whole lot of kids in his school class who get to do the old-fashioned fun kid stuff, like have a tree perch, pogo all over the yard, row in the row boat ~ most of them are trawling the mall or home playing video games ~ wait 'til we get to TN and he has a whole acre to conquer, and seemingly endless exploration along the lake ~ childhood heaven. Peace y'all - peace love and TRUTH achs

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Hahahahah - my faithful hound Sunny Bono. It got down to 29ยบ last night here in luscious cocoa florida - da ghetto of da 'hood, and the water that was in the oil drain pan froze last night. The WunderMan held up the piece of ice and the attached pic is dear Sunny Bono licking the ice ... hahahahah - as cold as it gets here in Fla, which is why we are moving to TN - rock on peace out achs TRUTH and LOVE - have excellent fun day

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Michael Phelps and Mary Jane

oh the weed the weed the eeeeVIL weed. i can't believe how STUPID humans are - absolutely amazing. Michael Phelps getting caught taking hits from the bong instigates this post.
In this day and age of instant knowledge from online not to mention the SCADS of old fashioned books that are available - amazing that people are still believing marijuana, ye olde mary jane, is as dangerous DRUG.
The information, even on the History channel regarding the false propaganda spewed back in the early 20th century about cannabis is pretty widespread now-a-days, but so is tons and tons of that same false information that the gullible masses still swallow and believe.
The information regarding the dangers, carcinogens, addictions, that it leads to other bad stuff, that has all been proven false by many many institutes of higher learning, not just Let's Get Stoned U or even UC Berkley, but Harvard, Oxford, Yale, Princeton, MIT - all have done studies proving the benefits of cannabis - tons and tons of 'em. And the dangers are nonexistent, a product of corporate greed propaganda back in the early 20th century.
And still stupid sheriff's like the one in south carolina who sez he is gona prosecute the Olympic Champ Michael Phelps for having his pic taken with a bong - for heaven's sake. How stupid are the humans now-a-days ? oh yeah, they're pretty dagum STUPID.
Not that I'm a pot-head. Hell i can barely afford to buy groceries, keep the electric on, get gas for the ol' pollution box i drive, and keep the kids as into clothes as possible - i can't imagine how people can afford to buy such luxuries as pot, booze, any kinda dope. But I have smoked my bale. I've drank my ocean of booze too - and in my nonscientific experience i can tell you that I never felt NEAR as bad after smoking a joint as after drinking - hell, pot never made me feel bad. Booze has fucked me up after drinking for more than a day afterwards. Blech booze.
All I can say is that if Michael Phelps can be a olympic STAR he must be doing all the right things - I can betcha he don't go out and get stupifyingly drunk on a daily basis, he doesn't eat at McDonald's every day - but he might smoke a bit of weed ~ and obviously that hasn't hurt his athleticism.
ahhh well, in a perfect world - hopefully when i get to go into the spirit world, if there is something after we're dead - i'll find my perfect place where stupid human b.s. isn't so prevalent - observing and living in harmoney with nature is the order of the day - and balance can be found. this place is so weird.
peace out from a fellow human bean - Me :) happy happy good fun day

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


WELL !!! here is it working and being all mad at the stupid fucking humans of the world. What is wrong with all these assholes ? Stupid fucking cops breaking bad and having some kind of power trip for yrs and yrs and yrs now. So wrong, so wrong. The government is SO CORRUPT - rich people get in power and just fuck up everything for all of us who are just regular people - they ruin the environment. Make all these ridiculous rules - but none that help anything that matters.

Evil evil evil shit done to black people, indian people, poor people, women - it's disgusting. it pisses me off. it makes me ashamed to be an american and a human - i was watching the super bowl and everybody all misty eyed at the god bless america and national anthem and i had just read 2 books by Mary Crow Dog nee Brave Bird and the horrors, absolute unthinkable horrors the powers that be have put on native americans as recently as probably today - dumping toxic waste on their land - taking their land (again - for 200+ yrs now) and moving them to ghettos in big cities so they can rape the land for profit - gold, uranium, coal, natural gas ~ all for money - greed greed greed.

And not one single big-money fat cat gives a shit about our environment ... i hope with all my heart our earth mother takes back her own in a BIG way - in the past 4 yrs or so she's taken out a couple million people with earthquake and tsunami - but there's 6 BILLION people on this planet - it wouldn't hurt to take out 99% of the humans - it could onlyhelp nature. most people don't give a rats ass about mother nature - never even THINK about her ... oh how surprised they are gona be when they are dead.

All I wana do is get me, my youngest kid, the man, and our 2 dogs to tennessee where we have a better shot at learning to live better in balance with nature - that is what i think all people should learn to live like - all this modern commerce-based greed get, get, get b.s. is insane - we are not programed in our dna and deepest cells of our being to live like this - we are supposed to be living WITH our earth not seeing what we can get out of her and so that is why SO MANY people are unhinged mentally.

I know i can't help what all these 6 BILLION other people on this planet do, but i can help what me and my fam do - so we'll go find our li'l chunk of land - the modern society may THINK we own it, but we know that we're just lucky enough to have earth mother allow us to stay there. if we can grow some food from this earth and learn to survive mostly au naturale that will be awesome. I will still have to get some food supplements from the grocery. i will have to keep working to make money to pay electric bills, fuel, etc., but i'm gona save as much as i can so i can purchase items like solar panels so we can have renewable, nonpolluting fuel source to run our house - and find a mode of transportation that is not run on atmosphere polluting, fossil fuels ...

WELL - that was a quite a rant ... i needed to get that off my chest. i just HATE modern humans and how shallow and thoughtless they are - and i'm steady teaching my son every day NOT to be like that ... and until next time - i'll try to dream up something sweet and nice to write about. peace love truth achs -