Tuesday, July 31, 2012

and then there are PRETTIES ♥

  a pretty rose
 some morning glories growing out of a stump with a lot of grass
 Red rooster trotting about the yard
 pretty yellow summer flower
morning glory by the wellhouse - pink peeking thru green leaf ♥


 some crazy grub or tumor that was growing on this ear of corn
 we threw it in the yard and the THING busted off the corn cob
 it looks gross to me
 i scooped it up into a little cleaned out plastic baby food container
i sent pix of it to dept of ag - see if they have a clue.  I'd LOVE to know the pathology of this thing or the physiology of it - but i don't wana touch it - blah blech yuck YIKES!!! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

NO FETUSES - baby mutant ninja turtle

YAY HI SUMMER !!!!  XOXOXO ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥
 while digging up pea patch we found teensy 1" baby box turtle.  while relocating it to the strawberry patch i noticed it had no front feet/claws - only stumpies.
 a baby mutant ninja turtle for sure - is it result of excess radiation ??  due to huge 2012 sunflares and/or fukushima radiation ??  i dunno. 
i'm scared to let it back out in the wild with no front claws ... i'll make a worm bed under some wet wood and dig those suckers up for li'l Turt ... i hope it thrives with us ♥ i love li'l turt and see it as a very good sign xoxo

Monday, June 18, 2012


 there's the baby chickens li'l fenced yard in the foreground and the corn garden behind it - hulking in the background is the dirty trailer we rent from next door - it makes a great shed ha ha ♥
 there's a baby corn under that pink tassle ♥
 early in the morning - the corn garden.  the red shipping container is also a very fine shed in the background ♥
 topsies of cornsies ♥ the big hens beige coop in the background and the wooden roosters coop behind that
 another li'l baby corn tassle ♥
 the whole corn from top pollen thingy, all the green stalk, and even one of the sweet li'l pink baby corn tassles ♥
grow darling corn grow {corn dance corn dance corn dance} thanks Earth, Water, Sun !!!!  i love you all ♥

Thursday, June 14, 2012


I just love it when the dogs look like mutants hee hee ♥

ancient ol' billy looking like he's got feet growing out of his chest
 with DERPY TONGUE !!!!  o the cuteness

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Basic corn instructions

BASIC CORN INSTRUCTIONS: growing, drying, husking, shelling, grinding, cooking

please  Sun, help corn grow
and Water, too

Thanks y'all - i love you xoxoxo ♥

Friday, June 8, 2012


 mama turtle goddess in the back side yard next door at the renter.  ♥ ♥ ♥
 the yard was all dry, how did she get her hole all muddy ??  did she pee on it ??  did fluid come out of the egg laying app ??  does she store water somehow in her shell ??  i have no clue about the egg laying and life in general of a female slider mudd turtle ♥
very noble and precious - she covered those eggs up and was gone ... L wants to build a li'l pond back there and fence it in to keep the babies safe.  We did learn they hatch between 45 and 55 days, but usually average is 53 days - we'll be stalking the nest at the end of July to see what happens ♥

i love you
 and THEN
the beavertail cactus the ex-landlord brought me back about 5 yrs ago from out west U.S.A. desert at the place where some actor back in the 1930s or 1950s sat in a famous bar and waited for his girlfriend, who died in a plane crash while he waited ??  My ex landlords went to this famous landmark, walked out into the desert a ways, found the old can, scooped up some dirt and the cactus and brought back on the plane to me in FL.  I had not watered it in the 3 yrs since we moved here to TN from FL and had it sitting by the window on the stereo speaker all this time.  several weeks ago I put it outside and it got rained on but good - so i let it dry out and put it back on the speaker by the front room window & this a.m. I paid attention and saw that IT'S BLOOMING !!!!!
 not a very good pic of the cactus, blurry, but the container and rock on the book is pretty funky
 the kaleidoscope in the background is funny ♥ you can see the li'l blooms on the top and right side
amazingly i got a cool zoomed in pic of the blooms ♥

i'm glad i paid attention. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

GREEN SUN !!! How fucking cool is THAT ♥

 Thru the welding lens - GREEN SUN !!!!! 
Zoomed in ♥

HAPPIEST VENUS TRANSIT DAY.  Hail Quetzalcoatl and Love Goddess ♥ peace 'n' love on and off Earth in and out of time ♥ i love you

Monday, June 4, 2012

♥ Venus transit eve ♥

 Lonnie went out and got me a welding helmet lens to look at Sun tomorrow when Venus cuts across in front of him.  The last time venus transitted Sun in 2004, that year was chock full of life-changing events in my reality ~ i'm SO STOKED to be a bit more aware this time and looking forward to the manifestation of peace love balance fun play art creativity health in the coming future time ♥
 the cardinal eggs - mama made a nest in our blackberry bush - i hope they turn into babies.
there's farmer carver by the blackberry bush where mama cardinal is making a family.

HAPPY partial eclipse day and venus transit eve ~ in 2004 when the last transit of venus occurred, many life-changing things happened in my life ~ i look forward w/excited anticipation in regards to the peaceful loving changes that will occur coinciding w/this event ... lots and lots of sweet juicy peace, play, fun, 'n' love ♥ I LOVE YOU.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Native american wisdom

by Phil Lane Jr at

The Four Worlds Guiding Principles for Building a Sustainable and Harmonious World
The Sixteen Principles for building a sustainable and harmonious world community emerged from a 40-year process of reflection, consultation and action within Indigenous communities across the Americas. They are rooted in the concerns of hundreds of Indigenous Elders Spiritual Leaders and Community Members, as well as in the best thinking of many non- Indigenous scholars, researchers and human and community development practitioners.
These guiding principles constitute the foundation for the process of healing and developing ourselves (mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually), our human relationships (personal, social, political, economic, and cultural) and our relationship with Mother Earth. They describe the way we must work and what we must protect and cherish.
We offer these Guiding Principles as a gift to all who seek to build a sustainable and harmonious Global community.
We speak as one, guided by the sacred teachings and spiritual traditions of the Four Directions that uplift, guide, protect, warn, inspire and challenge the entire human family to live in ways that sustain and enhance human life and the lives of all who dwell on Mother Earth, and hereby dedicate our lives and energies to healing and developing ourselves, the web of relationships that make our world, and the way we live with Mother Earth.
Starting from within, working in a circle, in a sacred manner, we heal ourselves, our relationships and our world.
Human Beings Can Transform Their Worlds
The web of our relationships with others and the natural world, which has given rise to the problems we face as a human family, can be changed.
Development Comes From Within
The process of human and community development unfolds from within each person, relationship, family organization, community or nation.
No Vision, No Development
A vision of who we can become and what a sustainable world would be like, works as a powerful magnet, drawing us to our potential.
Healing Is A Necessary Part Of Development
Healing the past, closing up old wounds and learning healthy habits of thought and action to replace dysfunctional thinking and disruptive patterns of human relations is a necessary part of the process of sustainable development.
Everything is connected to everything else; therefore, any aspect of our healing and development is related to all the others (personal, social, cultural, political, economic, etc.). When we work on any one part, the whole circle is affected.
No Unity, No Development
Unity means oneness. Without unity, the common oneness that makes (seemingly) separate human beings into ‘community’ is impossible. Disunity is the primary disease of community.
No Participation, No Development
Participation is the active engagement of the minds, hearts and energy of the people in the process of their own healing and development.
Every person (regardless of gender, race, age, culture, religion, sexual orientation) must be accorded equal opportunity to participate in the process of healing and development, and to receive a fair share of the benefits.
Human beings are both material and spiritual in nature. It is therefore inconceivable that human community could become whole and sustainable without bringing our lives into balance with the requirements of our spiritual nature.
Morals and Ethics
Sustainable human and community development requires a moral foundation centered in the wisdom of the heart. When this foundation is lost, morals and ethical principles decline and development stops.
The Hurt of One Is the Hurt of All: The Honor of One Is the Honor Of All
The basic fact of our oneness as a human family means that development for some at the expense of well being for others is not acceptable or sustainable.
Authentic Development Is Culturally Based
Healing and development must be rooted in the wisdom, knowledge and living processes of the culture of the people.
Human beings are learning beings. We begin learning while we are still in our mother’s wombs, and unless something happens to close off our minds and paralyze our capacities, we keep learning throughout our entire lives. Learning is at the core of healing and development.
To sustain something means to enable it to continue for a long time. Authentic development does not use up or undermine what it needs to keep on going.
Move to the Positive
Solving the critical problems in our lives and communities is best approached by visualizing and moving into the positive alternative that we wish to create, and by building on the strengths we already have, rather than on giving away our energy fighting the negative.
Be the Change You Want To See
The most powerful strategies for change always involve positive role modeling and the creation of living examples of the solutions we are proposing. By walking the path, we make the path visible.

I feel so blessed ♥

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sky over me during eclipse/alignment may 20, 2012 ♥

This is a picture of clouds and sky above my house on the evening of sunday may 20, 2012, time of the eclipse/alignment of Alcyone, Sun, Moon, and Earth ~ I thought it was really cool and pretty and original.  I gave it up for Earth Fire Water and Air ~ and hail Quetzalcoatl, i heard he was gona be around, that feathered serpent ♥ i love you ♥

Friday, May 18, 2012

♥ Eagle ♥

I saw 2 eagles flying together, doing cool flying maneuvers - I was MOST excited - such a COOL sign on this ol' Universal Highway. 

juvenile eagle feathers - i just got this pic off the internet, i'm believing it is what it says it is

♥ superbly potent sweet juicy lovely Universal magic mojo ♥
i love you

Thursday, May 17, 2012

♥ Butterflies ♥

 These 2 butterflies look like cousins, one light shade, one darker. 
They were in the yard right by the front door ♥

I'd never seen a butterfly like this with the light yellow/tan shade at the edge of the wings.
I love the li'l blue dots at the edge of the dark ♥ This li'l bubbie was also right outside the front door.

I LOVE YOU ♥ have a great fun play day

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

my BFF P.R.

Pretty sunbeam prism rainbow heart ... I just thought I'd post it and iterate how lucky i am to have such a sweet luscious fun friend, patrice
YAY !!!!


and HAPPY NATAL DAY Nadine, i love you Mommy - yer gettin' old, all 81 ♥  hug dad from me ♥

Sunday, May 13, 2012

a May SUNday

no bright sparkly beams this fine SUNday morning - but sky Water is here and I am most happy about it ♥  Above picture of the garden in the south side yard.  the sweet grass is all laying over with Water.  I love how the green lettuce in the back is so tall and next to the red red lettuce that is still low down near the ground.  i can Even see the li'l apples and zucchini flowers up in there.  the strawberries are definitely a huge green clump - that's what i'm having for breakfast nummie nums xoxoxoxo
thanks Universe for all the good stuff
I LOVE YOU ~  ;)  have fun ♥

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Animal Jupiterday ♥

 DOGS.  Sunny is a basket case ha ha
And so i step out the front door this morning and there is this li'l
mourning dove walking/flopping along.  It didn't fly away so I einsteinianly deduced it was hurt.  I put one of the baby chicken cages around him and gave him water and food.  Hmmm ... wonder what li'l M.D. is all about. 
oh yeah
I LOVE YOU Silly Billies ♥

Saturday, May 5, 2012


I didn't know magnolias grew in tennessee, they grow ENORMOUS and abundantly in florida.  When I found them here in TN I was quite glad for my friend also from fla to be here.  There are 2 baby magnolia trees i the back yard and this is the 1st bloom off of one of them (pictured above) - the smell reminds me of sweet subtropical spring/summer when i lived over by MotherOcean ♥
i love you