I love how weird modern predominant society is ~ they try to act all enlightened and broad-minded, but really are still madly superstitous ... although most people go about their daily lives (I guess) with no change in behavior on friday the 13ths ~ but still it is considered bad luck.
So in my ever-so-vescent way, because it is commonly portrayed as bad luck, I make friday the 13ths be considered good luck in our world. I love black cats to cross our paths. I try to avoid breaking mirrors, glass, ceramic, etc., but just on general principal because shards of sharp objects can be dangerous - same with walking under a ladder ~ be careful when you walk underneath anything, watch yer head.
so let's see, what else should i bitch about ~ i woke up in the same weird world, back-ass-wards, and not balanced with nature ~ but i'm used to that, figure there's not much use in fighting that in this lifetime - this time of greed and envy is not gona just disappear over night, and I'm used to thinking for myself, not following the crowd, not believing all the bullshit propaganda that is spewed out 24/7 now on cable tv ~ just trying to keep my little corner of reality as close to balance with nature as I can get it with my limited resources ~ mostly rich people have resources to utilize alternative fuel sources, like solar power or hydrogen run vehicles ... but we have all good plans of going that way as our life progresses - hopefully in 5 yrs we'll be a lot closer to living more balanced life with our precious Maka Ina (lakota for Mother Earth thank you). Unless of course all hell breaks loose in 2012 and it really is the end of the earth - although everybody thought it was gona be the end in 2000 and here i sit in 2009 ~ i'm not planning on ending it all in 2012 - for some poor humans in say IRAQ or PAKISTAN or GAZA, they were blown away in human greed driven war yesterday (or the day before or the day before) and for them - it was armageddon, the end of the world.
Well my old child is doing well and has no immediate drama. the young child has a moronic, needs-to-retire demeaning teacher for his gifted class, and i'm contemplating taking him out of that stupid shit - i think i'll give her like one more chance b4 i have to break bad and regardless of how much less money the school gets for the boy being classified as a regular student as opposed to a gifted student - that's just the consequence they're gona have to deal with for letting a born-fool idiot who talks down to my kid and doesn't give him any good educatin' lead the class. I hate modern public school - every day after school i have to de-program him from their ridiculous bullshit.
For instance, in florida now the powers that be have decreed that cursive writing will no longer be taught - everybody is using computers now-a-days, so why bother teaching them to write cursive ? oh my gods ... puuhhLEEZ ... but along that stream of thought, they're not teaching them to type ... it's stupid. I've printed out pages of "how to learn to write cursive" from the computer, and dang it man, i'll teach it to him myself here at home.
i'm trying to prompt the boy, that when we get moved up to TN here in the next 6 months, and get his computer set up - he needs to learn how to research and find a way to accomplish his education on line - and then he will not have to attend a classroom. Maybe TN public school is not as STUPID as FL public school.
This particular school jake goes to, they promote individualization in each kid, but institute a uniform policy - how contradictory is that ? They say that poor kids would get pissy when kids just wore whatever they wanted, and would tear up kids with nice clothes (I never saw anything like that, if it happened, it was rare) - and rather than take the bad kid aside and tell them not to touch other people's stuff, and if they didn't like that they wore crappy clothes cuz their parents didn't supply them better, they needed to attend to their education, grow up, get a good job, and buy whatever apparel they desired. Also it should be taught that it doesn't really matter about the outside - people should be judged by the content of their character - but NOOOOO .... not this dumb ass school, they make all the kids wear uniforms - buncha little nazis or robots, conforming to some kinda weird ideology - i make my kid wear the uniform, but i tell him it's stupid and when he gets big and grown - he needs not worry what other people think of him, and he does not have to dress like all the magazines and tv shows say is popular - so long as he is clean and comfortable, that is what matters.
i'd love to go up to the principal and tell her because i don't like her stupid pants suit she and all the rest of the grownups should dress like me in loose sun dresses, jeans and t-shirts, etc. i bet that'd go over like a fart in church -
yeah well blahblahblah - i'm gona go have a glorious friday the 13th, and i don't care what anybody thinks of me (besides my own people) - if they don't like it, they don't have to look at it ~ i stay home and mind my own biz - they need to learn to mind their own fucking business.
and that is my bitch for friday - with peace and love of course i write this
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