Tuesday, February 3, 2009


WELL !!! here is it working and being all mad at the stupid fucking humans of the world. What is wrong with all these assholes ? Stupid fucking cops breaking bad and having some kind of power trip for yrs and yrs and yrs now. So wrong, so wrong. The government is SO CORRUPT - rich people get in power and just fuck up everything for all of us who are just regular people - they ruin the environment. Make all these ridiculous rules - but none that help anything that matters.

Evil evil evil shit done to black people, indian people, poor people, women - it's disgusting. it pisses me off. it makes me ashamed to be an american and a human - i was watching the super bowl and everybody all misty eyed at the god bless america and national anthem and i had just read 2 books by Mary Crow Dog nee Brave Bird and the horrors, absolute unthinkable horrors the powers that be have put on native americans as recently as probably today - dumping toxic waste on their land - taking their land (again - for 200+ yrs now) and moving them to ghettos in big cities so they can rape the land for profit - gold, uranium, coal, natural gas ~ all for money - greed greed greed.

And not one single big-money fat cat gives a shit about our environment ... i hope with all my heart our earth mother takes back her own in a BIG way - in the past 4 yrs or so she's taken out a couple million people with earthquake and tsunami - but there's 6 BILLION people on this planet - it wouldn't hurt to take out 99% of the humans - it could onlyhelp nature. most people don't give a rats ass about mother nature - never even THINK about her ... oh how surprised they are gona be when they are dead.

All I wana do is get me, my youngest kid, the man, and our 2 dogs to tennessee where we have a better shot at learning to live better in balance with nature - that is what i think all people should learn to live like - all this modern commerce-based greed get, get, get b.s. is insane - we are not programed in our dna and deepest cells of our being to live like this - we are supposed to be living WITH our earth not seeing what we can get out of her and so that is why SO MANY people are unhinged mentally.

I know i can't help what all these 6 BILLION other people on this planet do, but i can help what me and my fam do - so we'll go find our li'l chunk of land - the modern society may THINK we own it, but we know that we're just lucky enough to have earth mother allow us to stay there. if we can grow some food from this earth and learn to survive mostly au naturale that will be awesome. I will still have to get some food supplements from the grocery. i will have to keep working to make money to pay electric bills, fuel, etc., but i'm gona save as much as i can so i can purchase items like solar panels so we can have renewable, nonpolluting fuel source to run our house - and find a mode of transportation that is not run on atmosphere polluting, fossil fuels ...

WELL - that was a quite a rant ... i needed to get that off my chest. i just HATE modern humans and how shallow and thoughtless they are - and i'm steady teaching my son every day NOT to be like that ... and until next time - i'll try to dream up something sweet and nice to write about. peace love truth achs -


  1. We should be reaching out to all open hearts and massage them with meaningful messages. Gracias! Peta-de-Aztlan

  2. see - there's more people out there in the world who believe like i do - hopefully we will become the majority, and the close-minded, unevolved, greedy parasites will disappear like dinosaurs. peace on earth - enlightenment and love - thank you peta-de-aztlan mitakuye oyasin - we are all related
