oh the weed the weed the eeeeVIL weed. i can't believe how STUPID humans are - absolutely amazing. Michael Phelps getting caught taking hits from the bong instigates this post.
In this day and age of instant knowledge from online not to mention the SCADS of old fashioned books that are available - amazing that people are still believing marijuana, ye olde mary jane, is as dangerous DRUG.
The information, even on the History channel regarding the false propaganda spewed back in the early 20th century about cannabis is pretty widespread now-a-days, but so is tons and tons of that same false information that the gullible masses still swallow and believe.
The information regarding the dangers, carcinogens, addictions, that it leads to other bad stuff, that has all been proven false by many many institutes of higher learning, not just Let's Get Stoned U or even UC Berkley, but Harvard, Oxford, Yale, Princeton, MIT - all have done studies proving the benefits of cannabis - tons and tons of 'em. And the dangers are nonexistent, a product of corporate greed propaganda back in the early 20th century.
And still stupid sheriff's like the one in south carolina who sez he is gona prosecute the Olympic Champ Michael Phelps for having his pic taken with a bong - for heaven's sake. How stupid are the humans now-a-days ? oh yeah, they're pretty dagum STUPID.
Not that I'm a pot-head. Hell i can barely afford to buy groceries, keep the electric on, get gas for the ol' pollution box i drive, and keep the kids as into clothes as possible - i can't imagine how people can afford to buy such luxuries as pot, booze, any kinda dope. But I have smoked my bale. I've drank my ocean of booze too - and in my nonscientific experience i can tell you that I never felt NEAR as bad after smoking a joint as after drinking - hell, pot never made me feel bad. Booze has fucked me up after drinking for more than a day afterwards. Blech booze.
All I can say is that if Michael Phelps can be a olympic STAR he must be doing all the right things - I can betcha he don't go out and get stupifyingly drunk on a daily basis, he doesn't eat at McDonald's every day - but he might smoke a bit of weed ~ and obviously that hasn't hurt his athleticism.
ahhh well, in a perfect world - hopefully when i get to go into the spirit world, if there is something after we're dead - i'll find my perfect place where stupid human b.s. isn't so prevalent - observing and living in harmoney with nature is the order of the day - and balance can be found. this place is so weird.
peace out from a fellow human bean - Me :) happy happy good fun day
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