I think all the emphasis on economyEconomyECONOMY in our world today is a sad statement of our civilizations full-on GREED - if our society was balanced and real, not all ego-driven and wrong, our top concern would be our precious environment, which has been trashed ruthlessly over the past 8+ years. It's not like we can destroy this earth like a 3 yr olds bedroom, and then just trot on over to the other earth and start all over again - nope. What the humans are doing is demolishing the only environment we know of that will sustain our life - and we could care fucking less, keep ruining our atmosphere, water, etc., and worry about the economy. Well when the earth Mother and sky Father take back their own - and billions of people are wiped off the face of this planet - i pro'ly won't be around to say "I told you so," but you watch it happen. Man thinks he is all mighty, all knowing, the main organism on this planet - but Mother Earth is badder and stronger and is gona whip some human ass to get her balance back.
Now even though the economy really is a very ego-driven, unevolved subject - it's simply amazing how the greedy-ass republicans are flopping around crying about all the democrats wana do is SPEND SPEND SPEND cuz Prez Obama wants to get this stupid stimulus shit going on - make some jobs for regular people, kick in some incentives for green companies, etc., and because it's not directed towards banks, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, oil companies, et al, the republicans are having a fucking fit - if the big biz was the target of this stimulus money like it was for the past 8 yrs under Satan George Bush, then the republicans would be knocking each other down like whitetrash at Wal-Mart the day after Thanksgiving to sign the bitch. They had no problem signing for the several gazillion dollar stimulus a few months ago under our last ass-hole president George Bush when the money was going to the banks - but now that there are regulations, over-sight, and money going to things like infrastructure, unemployment compensation extensions, for real small business and regular 40-hr a week working people the greedy ass hypocrite republicans are crying like a bunch of fucking pussies - man i'd love to beat their collective asses -
but THAT is being like them, so i'll just keep thinking and hoping for peace on earth, and concentrating on TRUTH - and I know earthMother, karma, father time, ultimate creator, whatever is really in charge in power in the spiritual realm will kick their collective, horrible, close-minded, totally ridiculous, selfish, greedy asses. Being all worried about the economy economy economy is like somebody having a full-blown myocardial infarction and worrying about getting a boob job -
well i have faith that the Ultimate Creator knew what it was doing when it made everything, and knew of the potential of humans turning into complete moronic idiot ass holes - so balance will swing back in favor of truth and nature regardless of how devastating humans are to the environment - and i'll be glad for it, even if it does snuff out my li'l life in the process - i don't care - i'm planning on having fun and truly being balanced with nature when i'm dead. and all those republicans? i'm just really really glad i'm not one of THEM - cuz whatever happy yeay balanced spiritual world i'm gona go into (unless there's nothing, then i'll just be nothing) - if there is something when we're dead - all those horrible greedy assholes are not gona be happy with where they go. ha ha on them.
peace love truth - TRUTH will still be in the end - achs
stay tuned for the next post about the 3 yr old boy and the shit plant hahahahahah - city water processing.
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